pH 9.177 Millesimal Calibration Buffer (500 mL) - HI6091
40,00 €
Auf Lager
HI6091U is a premium quality pH 9.177 millesimal calibration buffer that is NIST traceable and supplied with a Certificate of Analysis. Millesimal buffer solutions are designed for customers who require a resolution of 0.001 for their pH measurements. Hanna calibration buffers have the lot number and expiration date clearly marked on the label and are air tight with a tamper-proof seal to ensure the quality of the solution. Hanna's line of millesimal calibration buffers have been specially formulated to have an expiration of 5 years from the date of manufacture for an unopened bottle.
- Supplied with Certificate of Analysis
- Accuracy of +/- 0.002 pH @ 25°C
- Temperature chart of the actual pH value at various temperatures printed on each bottle
The HI6091U is supplied with Certificate of Analysis
- Product code
- Lot number
- Mean lot value
- SRMs that were used
- Manufacturing date
- Expiration date
Color coded label for easy pH buffer value identification
- Easy to identify different buffer values
- Solution does not contain any dyes that may stain the reference cell of a pH electrode
Packaged in light block bottle
- Prevents any oxidation from UV light that could alter the buffer value